Interscholastic Teams
波士顿大学学院提供各种有竞争力的团队运动. 学生们被鼓励参加课外体育活动,而不考虑之前的经验. Though participation in bbin娱乐平台’s athletics program is not required, student-athletes must commit to attending all practices and games.
bbin娱乐平台是新英格兰预备学校体育大会的成员,并在马萨诸塞湾独立联盟和女子独立联盟中竞争. bbin娱乐平台田径项目提供所有三个季节和所有技能水平的运动.
- “Kick” the year off right with bbin娱乐平台 soccer! bbin娱乐平台男子足球队计划今年派出一个大学代表队和青少年代表队, so there is plenty of playing time to go around. If you are interested in getting/staying in shape, 然后每天下午3:15-4:45来杂志海滩参加我们的训练. 这支球队参加MBIL联赛,比赛通常在周三和周五举行, but sometimes vary. 校队状态通常由承诺、技能水平和项目年限决定. No prior experience required to join in on the fun!
- 我们很兴奋地开始了我们女子大学足球项目的第二个正式赛季. 整个秋季,球队将每天下午3:15-4:45在杂志海滩进行训练, and play a full schedule in the GIL League. Games are typically on 周三 and Friday, but sometimes vary. 没有事先的经验要求,任何有足球背景的学生都被鼓励加入!
- 下一个伟大的边疆为bbin娱乐平台田径…来跑步与bbin娱乐平台越野队沿着查尔斯和周围波士顿/布鲁克林! Open to all abilities/fitness levels (workouts can be adapted). Team practices will be held on Monday, 周二, 周三, 从9月到10月下旬/ 11月初的周四放学后. League races are typically on 周三 afternoons, but some 周二s and a rare weekend race do occur. Team workouts are primarily steady-state jogging, 与sprint /跟踪, 节奏, and race preparation workouts sprinkled throughout. 虽然“官方”越野队成员应该在他们的学业安排允许的情况下尽可能多地参加训练和比赛, all are welcome to join for occasional runs.
- Come join the high-flying action of bbin娱乐平台 男孩篮球! 该项目计划提供校队和合资企业水平的球队,所以应该有足够的比赛时间去. The season runs from early November until the end of February, while practices are weekdays from 3:10 – 4:45 in the bbin娱乐平台 gym, with some sessions held at the BU Fitrec. Center. 这支球队参加MBIL联赛,通常在周三和周五安排校队比赛, while the schedule can vary. 校队状态通常由承诺、技能水平和项目年限决定. 各种能力的人都是受欢迎的,但对勤奋的要求很高!
- Come join the great tradition of bbin娱乐平台 女生篮球! Hit the hardwood with some of your friends this winter! 赛季从11月初持续到2月底,训练时间是工作日的3:10 - 4:45,大部分时间在bbin娱乐平台体育馆进行, with some sessions held at the BU Fitrec. Center. 这支球队参加GIL联赛,通常安排在周三和周五比赛, 但是会有所不同. All skill levels are welcome, but bring your best effort each day!
- Are you interested in trying a new sport? Do you want to fight with swords? If yes, then 击剑 is the sport for you! 不需要经验,但如果你是一个有经验的击剑手,你绝对应该加入! bbin娱乐平台派出一个男孩和女孩队,每组都有三种武器. You can try out all three of the weapons (epee, foil, and saber)! 击剑是一项冬季运动,从11月初开始,到2月底结束. 在此期间,我们将在周二,周三和周五的下午3点至5点进行练习. While we attempt to schedule occasional dual meets during the week, 然而, 新英格兰击剑联盟采用了一种比赛时间表,包括在特定的周末举行的2-3场多学校击剑比赛(4所或更多学校采用循环赛形式). 这些比赛的结果决定了州锦标赛的参赛资格. 团队成员应该参加尽可能多的练习(每周至少两次),并参加每一场比赛. This is a great sport for newcomers!
- 在美丽的春天,划船是在查尔斯河上度过时光时保持体形的好方法. 每周练习4-5天,如果你希望在名额有限的男孩或女孩船上获得有竞争力的位置,这是强制性的. 这些船按照独立的时间表(3-5轮)与当地的高中比赛,这些高中也在查尔斯河上划船. 季前训练在三月初开始,我们通常在四月下水, rowing until the end of May. 如果你更喜欢大喊大叫而不是划船,你也可以选择舵手的位置!
- 网球的人? 男生项目通常提供校队和合资企业水平的经验,这取决于人数. 今年的春季体育训练将于每周四次,从3点15分到4点45分,在波士顿bbin娱乐平台 (bbin娱乐平台 Boston)步行即可到达的各种户外场地进行, 剑桥, 布鲁克林, and the BU campus). 球队在MBIL联赛中与一些独立的比赛进行比赛. All skill levels are welcome!
- Need some practice before Wimbledon? bbin娱乐平台 girls tennis will get you ready! 这是一项春季运动,每周4次,从3点15分到4点45分,在步行即可到达波士顿的各种户外场地进行训练, 剑桥, 布鲁克林, and the BU campus). 该队与校队和初级校队进行独立比赛. All skill levels are welcome!
Co-ed Ultimate Frisbee
- Come join the fastest game on two feet! 场地的所有区域都可以进入高空飞行的圆盘,它可以跨越整个比赛场地。.depending on the thrower. bbin娱乐平台 Ultimate是一项男女同校的春季运动,从3月下旬开始,一直持续到5月底. 球队每周四天从3:15到4:45在杂志海滩训练. 这支球队参加了MBIL联赛,也玩了一些独立的游戏.
- 撞,撞,撞! bbin娱乐平台将提供一个排球队,将有机会练习和训练一些在秋天, but holds its competitive season in the spring. The season starts in late March and goes to the end of May. 这支球队将在GIL联赛中打一个小赛程,同时也会有一些独立的比赛. 球队每周四天从3:15到4:45在bbin娱乐平台体育馆训练, as well as some sessions held at the BU Fitrec. Center. While the skill sets in volleyball can be challenging, the learning curve is quick, so come out and give it a go! All skill levels are welcome.
- 撞,撞,撞! bbin娱乐平台将提供一个排球队,将有机会练习和训练一些在秋天, but holds its competitive season in the spring. The season starts in late March and goes to the end of May. 这支球队将在GIL联赛中打一个小赛程,同时也会有一些独立的比赛. 球队每周四天从3:15到4:45在bbin娱乐平台体育馆训练, as well as some sessions held at the BU Fitrec. Center. While the skill sets in volleyball can be challenging, the learning curve is quick, so come out and give it a go! All skill levels are welcome.
- 啦啦队 is a group that cheers on sports teams, amps up school spirit, 并为任何经验水平的bbin娱乐平台学生开辟了一个合作的空间,并将我们的精力用于积极支持我们的同龄人. 我们每周见面三次,学习舞蹈、欢呼和在比赛中表演的特技.
Learn more about the Physical Education Program 在bbin娱乐平台.